
Doluzko mezuak

Atzoko istripua dela eta, hainbat atxikimendu iritsi dira HUHEZIra, hezkuntzako hainbat profesionalek bidalita. Hona hemen hiru:

Euro School Net 2000
Euro School Net 2000 da sare bat, zenbait ikastetxek sortua, eta hor daude Holanda, Ingalaterra, Italia eta Euskal Herriko hainbat ikastetxe. Bertatik etorri zaizkigu bi mezu:

Dear Julia,
I want to express my solidarity to the fatal accident which happened this morning to 4 students of Mondragon University. You as the representitive for Mondragon University of ESN 2000 please bring over my feelings to the families and friends of Ane Miren, Amaia, Milkel and Aitor who suffer and will be desolated in this moment.
Best wishes to all of you,
Hans Luesink
Treasurer of Euro school Net 2000

Dear Arantza and Julia,
Rafa has just informed us of the tragic accident that your four young students have suffered. Our thoughts are with you, deeply aware of how devastating is the loss of such vibrant young lives and of what the whole university must be feeling.
With heartfelt sympathy to you both

Bilboko Artatse eskolatik, berriz, beste mezu hau:
Nerea, nos sentimos consternadas ante la muerte por accidente de cuatro estudiantes de vuestra Universidad.Recibid toda nuestra solidaridad, apoyo y cariño.La Comunidad Educativa de Artatse

1 comment:

  1. Deustuko Unibertsitatetik ere, Itziar Elexpuruk mezu hau bidali du:

    Querida Elena,
    Leo con dolor que nuevamente mueren alumnos de Mongragón en accidente...
    Lo siento mucho e intento ponerme en vuestro lugar
    Un abrazo muy fuerte
